
Saturday, 31 December 2016

Mike Genks - Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities

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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Sandy Halliday - Sustainable Construction

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Sue Roaf - Adapting Cities and Buildings for Climate Change

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Sue Roaf - Ecohouse A Design Guide

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Susannah Hagan - Taking Shape A New Contract Between Architect

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Terry Galloway - Solar House A Guide for the Solar Designer

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The Green House-New Directions in Sustainable Architecture

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Green Building Rating System

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Saturday, 28 May 2016

AD Architextiles

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AD Collective Intelligence in Design

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AD Programming Cultures - Art and Architecture in the Age of Software

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AD The New Europe

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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

AD Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design

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AD Manmade Modular Megastructures

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AD Sensing the 21st-Century City

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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

AD The New Mix - Culturally Dynamic Architecture

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AD Design Through Making

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AD Food and the City

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4dspace - Interactive Architecture

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Monday, 23 May 2016

Universal Principles of Design

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Building Construction Illustrated By Francis D.K. Ching

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A Visual Dictionary of Architecture by Francis D.K. Ching

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Interior Design Illustrated by Francis D.K. Ching

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Francis D.K. Ching - Architecture - Form, Space and Order 4th Eidtion

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Francis D. K. Ching - Architectural Graphics, 6th Edition

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Building Construction HandBook (Six Edition)

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Lighting Modren Buildings

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Friday, 20 May 2016

Old New Orleans (Great American Homes)

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Introduction to Architecture (basics of sustainable design)

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Sustainable residential interior

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Valode and Pistre Architects Work

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Safe Rooms and Shelters

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Modrenism in Design

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Opportunistic Architecture by Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis

click on the given link for download


click on the given link for download e-book


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 click here this link  for download an e-book

Apartment Builings 1

for download pdf click on this link

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Metropolitan Hotel Londan

The Metropolitan is located in an exceptional place in London: in the exclusive Old Park Lane overlooking Hyde Park. A minimal architecture of glass and stone describes the entrance and reveals the serene luxury of the interior Inside, the geometric forms of the furnishings lend a simple elegance to the lobby. The curved shapes of the timber furnishings echo the flowing lines of the carpet, designed by Helen. Digitally programmed lighting set above glass paneling produces a natural  effect. The back wall of the lobby is punctuated with service areas using Limber lines recesses. These house the reception, two lifts and an exclusive gift shop. In the design of the 155 bedrooms every guest requirement has been considered.